Simchat Torah Together![]()
For a second year in a row, the Women’s Initiative is partnering with synagogues across the country to provide Torah learning for women on Simchat Torah. This year, Simchat Torah Together features 40 synagogues, each which has chosen a local speaker to give a shiur during the aliyot on Simchat Torah morning.
Congregation Beth Rambam of Houston recounted that last year, their Simchat Torah Together shiur “was an amazing experience for everyone involved. So many women came out for the classes that we had to keep bringing out more and more chairs.” Participating again this yearBeth Rambam’s shiur will be given by local scholar, Mrs. Devorah Cohen.
This is just one of several programs launched to promote scholarship for women, by women throughout the year. Other scholarship initiatives include the monthly Rosh Chodesh Lunch N’ Learn series, and the Counting Toward Sinai and Standing Together at Sinai Shavuot programs.
See if Simchat Torah Together is coming to your community here.