Frequently Asked Questions
What time does the conference begin and end?
The conference will begin on Monday, May 5, with registration and breakfast at 8:30 AM and end on Tuesday, May 6 at 4:30 PM.
What is the fee for the conference and what is included in the fee?
The fee is $575 which includes a single hotel room on Monday evening (your own room), all sessions, meals and activities. Please note that this is highly subsidized by the OU Women’s Initiative.
Can I share a room with a friend? Will the conference fee be reduced?
If you share a room with a friend who will also be joining the conference, the cost will be $500 each (reduction of $75).
May I bring my husband or other family members?
No. This conference is for women only and the OU Women's Initiative subsidies are directed only to those women participating in the conference.
May I bring an infant? (up to 10 months)
Yes. We are happy to support mothers with infants. We reserved a limited number of additional hotel rooms to help women who plan to make childcare arrangements. Note: Childcare arrangements are the responsibility of the participant, but all arrangements (any additional individuals who will be in the hotel at any point) must be approved by and registered with the OU WI and the OU security. Please be in touch with Rachel Mazurek, OU WI Operations Coordinator, BEFORE MARCH 30 to register your arrangements at
If I sleep at home, and not at the hotel, will the conference fee be reduced?
If you do not sleep at the hotel, the cost will be $450 (reduction of $125).
Which is the closest airport to the hotel?
The closest airport is Newark International Airport.
Can I get there by train?
The Metropark train station (Amtrak, NJ Transit) is very close to the hotel. The hotel provides complimentary shuttles to and from the station.
How can I coordinate travel with other women attending the conference?
We will create a Conference travel WhatsApp group where you can be in touch with other women traveling to the conference.
I would like to arrive Sunday evening, will rooms be available at the hotel?
We welcome you to join us at the hotel on Sunday evening beginning at 5:00 PM. The additional cost is $200. Boxed dinners will be available.
Who should I contact with further questions?
For further questions, please reach out to Mrs. Adeena Mayerfeld, Assistant Director, OU Women’s Initiative, at