Explore the Teshuva-related essay collection prepared by the OU Women’s Initiative. Be inspired and impacted by the writings of noted and respected women scholars and educators. Download PDF
Holding on to Faith: Personal Reflections from Two Holocaust Survivors
Join the OU WI on Sunday, Tisha B’Av at 3 pm or watch on demand – Holding on to Faith: A Personal Conversation with Two Holocaust Survivors Be inspired by Mrs. Sylvia (Sarah) Richter, Kew Gardens, NY and Mrs. Betty Sved, Lower Merion, PA, two women survivors who met terror with triumph. Register at ouwomen.org/3weeks22
Torat Imecha: Parsha Thank You!
Thank you for registering for the Torat Imecha Parsha program. You will receive an email each Wednesday with the Parsha message of the week. If you missed the email or would like to listen again to any audio shiur, please go to outorah.org/series/4093.
OU Women’s Initiative Challenge Grant Winners Make Big Impact on Their Communities
Read about some of the new women’s programs that are being started in shuls across the United States Media Coverage ‘Tools for Life Seminar’ held at KBI for 35 Women Read in The Reflector (Richmond, VA) Innovate, Develop and Learn: How the OU Prompted Programs that Meet Women’s Needs Read in the Jewish News Syndicate […]