Transform Tehillim 2025 Grant

The OU Women’s Initiative’s  Transforming Tehillim Together: funding innovative and interactive women’s Tehillim programming in communities across America.

Five programs selected. Up to $1,000 per program. Apply today! 

Through the Transforming Tehillim Together program proposal, the OU Women’s Initiative seeks to engage individuals and communities in developing and supporting unique programming for girls and women to engage with Tehillim in a personal and connected way. This is part of the broader Torat Imecha Nach Yomi launch of Tehillim.  

Five proposed programs will be awarded $1,000, for winning submissions which create an innovative, experiential and creative Tehillim program that appeals to a broad range of Orthodox women. 

Programs should take place in-person, be multi-modal and allow women to explore and connect to the themes of Tehillim in an innovative, creative and experiential manner.  This can take the form of a one-time event, or an ongoing program. The options are endless.

Submit your application 

Terms and conditions of the grant


Grant Overview 

Goals of the Transforming Tehillim Together programs: 

  • To connect girls and women to Tehillim in an enhanced manner  
  • To bring women together for in-person, experiential spiritual experiences 
  • To energize and strengthen communities invested in women’s programming 
  • To encourage selected ventures to serve as models for creativity and innovation that can be scaled and replicated in other communities.   
  • To create leadership opportunities for women in Orthodox synagogues and community life 

Eligibility Guidelines 

The OU’s Women’s Initiative will fund up to five programs to encourage the creation of excellent and innovative in-person women’s programs that foster involvement in and engagement with Tehillim for women of all ages in synagogue and/or community life.

Multiple applications are permitted; no more than one program will be funded for an organization, communal institution or synagogue. 


Stage 1: Program proposal applications will be accepted beginning February 16, 2025, with the launch of Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Tehillim. 

Stage 2: Completed applications must be submitted no later than March 17, 2025.   

Stage 3: The proposal awardees will be announced on March 31, 2025. 

Stage 4: Programs must take place within six months of award announcement (September 30, 2025). 


Criteria for Selection 

  • Creativity of the proposed program 
  • Innovative use of experiential learning and in-person experience 
  • Target audience 
  • Priority will be given to programs with potential for significant community impact and which, if successful, can serve as models that can be replicated nationwide. 



How much money is available to my organization? 

Up to half a programs budget, at a maximum of $1,000, will be available for each winning submission that creates an innovative, experiential and creative Tehillim program for Orthodox women. 

How many programs will be funded? 

A total of five programs will be funded, up to $1,000 for each program. 

Can my synagogue or organization add funding beyond the $1000 program money? 

Yes. You can propose a program that is funded with synagogue or communal funds that supplements beyond the $1,000 from the Transforming Tehillim Together program funds. 

What are the Terms and Conditions of the Transforming Tehillim Together Program Proposal? 

Completed applications must be submitted no later than March 17, 2025.  The program proposal winners will be announced March 31, 2025. Funds are available immediately. 

Submission of an eligible application prior to the deadline does not guarantee funding.  All eligible submissions will be subject to a review process by the review committee.  The determination of the committee will be final and binding. 

You must be 18 years old or older to apply.

You retain rights to your idea; however, by submitting this grant application, you grant The Women’s Initiative and/or the Orthodox Union (and those authorized by the Women’s Initiative and/or the Orthodox Union) a royalty-free, world-wide, perpetual, non-exclusive license to publicly display, distribute, reproduce, and create derivative works of the applications, in whole or in part, in any media now existing or later developed, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, publications of the Women’s Initiative and/ or the Orthodox Union and its individual states. Any idea reproduced will include a credit as feasible. The Women’s Initiative and/or the Orthodox Union will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such uses.

If selected to receive a grant, you agree to present your program and serve as an advisor to other synagogues or institutions that are interested in replicating the program.

How do I know if my program proposal is eligible? 

Any program proposal that proposes creative, in-person programming for women to engage and connect to Tehillim will be considered. 

Priority will be given to programs with potential for significant community impact and which, if successful, can serve as models that can be replicated nationwide. 

Eligible programs agree to participate as “advisor programs” to other organizations or synagogues who would like to run the same or similar program and to submit an evaluation form which evaluates the outcomes of the program. 

Will anything be required of the synagogue or organization once they are awarded the matching funds? 

Yes.  As a stipulation of receiving funds, synagogues or organizations that receive funding through the Transforming Tehillim Together Program Proposal must commit to act as an “advisor program” to other synagogues or institutions that are interested in replicating the program.  The synagogue or organization must submit an evaluation form which summarizes and evaluates the outcomes of the program. Winning submissions also agree to present the program in publicly disseminated materials and press announcements. 

Please describe the evaluation process. 

Once the program is completed, you will be required to give a post program update and summary form to the OU Women’s Initiative. 


Application and Process 

Complete application link below. Requested information includes: 

  • Program Title 
  • Targeted Population of Program Participants 
  • Program Description and Potential Schedule (ex: Yom Iyun sample schedule) 
  • Goals of the program and its potential impact 
  • Program Budget 


Have Questions?

Contact Emma Katz, Community Program Coordinator at

Complete the application form here.