Mrs. Sarah Robinson, MA LCSW


Sarah Robinson teaches Talmud and Halacha to middle school girls in Manhattan Day School and serves as the Community Scholar in Beth Jacob Congregation in Oakland, California. Previously, Sarah taught a Nashim b’Gemara v’Halacha course in the OU-sponsored Bnot Sinai program in the 5 Towns; led 5 trips to Israel for millennials and emerging adults through OU Israel Free Spirit Birthright and World Mizrachi-Religious Zionists of America; and taught as the Visiting Scholar in Ohav Sholom in Merrick, Long Island for 5 and a half years. Additionally, Sarah has prepared over 20 girls for their bas mitzvah celebrations. Sarah previously studied in Maimonides School, Migdal Oz, Stern College for Women, and Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program for Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS).