Professor Shoshana Schechter


Professor Shoshana Schechter is the Associate Dean of Torah Studies at Stern College for Women and the director of the Mechina program at the college. She is a graduate of Stern College for Women, with a B.S. in both Judaic Studies and English Literature and holds master’s degrees from Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and Columbia University School of Journalism. Shoshana is a frequent lecturer on topics in Tanach and has been involved in Jewish outreach programs on four continents. At the OU Women’s Initiative, she taught an in-depth course at the ALIT summer Virtual Beit Midrash program, has presented a shiur for Rosh Chodesh, served as a Counting Toward Sinai Scholar-in-Residence and taught Sefer Bereshit for Torat Imecha Parsha. Shoshana lives in New Hempstead, NY with her husband, Yitzchak, and five children.