Mrs. Sharon Richter (Morah Sarah) has been the Lower School Associate Principal of Judaic Studies at Salanter Akiba Riverdale Academy (SAR) since 2005. She began her career at SAR in 1986 as a Judaic studies teacher after receiving a bachelor’s degree in Judaic studies from Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University. Over the years, Sharon has continued her education, most recently completing YU Lead, a 9-month intensive cohort geared to develop and advance leaders in Jewish education. Her Parashat haShavua series for students reflects her understanding that Torah guides who we are in all of our interactions and how we hold ourselves in the world. She presents shiurim and lectures around the country sharing her inspirational “Spiritual Sparks” workshops which facilitate the enhancement of families’ celebrations of Shabbat and Chagim and the integration of parenting and Torah values. At the OU Women’s Initiative she was selected as a Counting Toward Sinai Scholar-in-Residence and presented a recording on tefillah as part of the Counting Toward Sinai Tefillah Series.