Mrs. Chayie Chinn


Chayie Chinn is the Mikvah Manager and an attendant at the Wallerstein Mikvah in Silver Spring, MD, and has served in various roles at the mikvah for the past 18 years. In her role as a Mikvah educator of the Robin Niman Mikvah Education Fund, Chayie provides comprehensive training to mikvah attendants and taharas hamishpacha classes and lectures to the community.  She trains mikvah attendants and mikvah directors in communities across North America as part of the OU Women’s Initiative Sense and Sensitivity program. Chayie is a popular kallah teacher with a specialty in teaching women getting remarried, and is a certified dating coach.   In her spare time, she teaches gairus candidates and baalei teshuva (both formal and informal education) and loves to form long term relationships with her students. Chayie is passionate about teaching women how to navigate the intricacies of taharas hamishpacha with a calm, inspirational, joyful, and stress-free approach.