Dr. Julie Joseph


Julie Joseph, Ed.D. is the Educational Director for Project Inspire Long Island and an Educator at the Project Inspire retreats. She provides monthly Torah-related classes at the Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach. Additionally, Julie is a fellow in Ohr Torah Stones’s Women’s International Halakha program. She is a popular educator and author, has taught at several high schools, and served as an adjunct professor at Stern College for Women, teaching medieval Jewish life in both Ashkenaz and Sefarad. Julie holds a master’s in medieval Jewish history from New York University and a master’s in Jewish studies from Touro Graduate School. She is also a recipient of a doctorate in Jewish education from Yeshiva University where she studied peer-victimization in Modern-Orthodox Middle School programs. Julie authored a memoir titled, Am I My Mother’s Daughter: A Search for Identity and Jewish Women’s Literacy in Eastern Europe During the 18th and 19th Centuries in Poland. She lives in Lawrence, NY.