Our Speakers
x Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger
x Mrs. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff
Slovie Jungreis Wolff is an acclaimed author, renowned lecturer and parenting instructor. She is one of the most sought after and passionate speakers in the Jewish world today. Slovie is the leader of Hineni Couples and has taught about life, relationships and marriage for more than 30 years. Slovie’s groundbreaking parenting handbook ‘Raising A Child With Soul’ is published by St. Martin’s Press and has been a source of guidance to parents and families all over the world. She has given workshops and lectured extensively throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Panama, Europe and Israel and has addressed thousands at South Africa’s Sinai Indaba by the invitation of Chief Rabbi Goldstien. Slovie is a popular columnist for the renowned site Aish.com where her articles about life and Judaism have inspired people worldwide. Her parenting workshops on JewishEbooks.com has reached audiences around the globe. She is also a columnist for Ami magazine and The Jewish Press. Slovie is the daughter of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, a”h, and continues her mother’s legacy of rekindling the spark within every soul.
Licensed Israeli Tour GuideWatch Now! More about this speakerx Mrs. Hava Preil
Hava Preil is an enthusiastic Licensed Israeli Tour Guide. She grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and holds an MA in Judaic Studies. Hava has developed and taught accredited courses in Tanach and Jewish Ethics for Naaleh/Woodmont College and Cybersem. She currently lives in Givat Ze’ev, Israel with her family. Hava can be reached at IL:054-844-1579, USA: 845-391-0438 or at Havapreil@gmail.com