Sponsored by Belinda and Steven Raiken and family in honor of Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
retired professor; scholar of Jews in the medieval Muslim world, specializing in Iran Queen Esther's Reflection in 14th Century Judeo-Persian Culture Watch Now! More about this speakerx Dr. Vera Basch Moreen
Dr. Vera Basch Moreen holds a doctorate from Harvard University and has taught Islam at Swarthmore, Haverford, and Franklin & Marshall Colleges. She specializes in the history, literature, and art of Iranian Jews between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries based on Judeo-Persian manuscripts. The author of several books and numerous articles, her most recent book is The Bible as a Judeo-Persian Epic: An Illustrated Manuscript of ʻImrānī’s Fatḥ-Nāma (Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2016). She is a Section Editor of The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World, 5 vols. (Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2010).
Shlucha, Chernigov, Ukraine A Conversation with Aliza Silberstein, Shlucha Chernigov, Ukraine Watch Now! More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Aliza SilbersteinRebbetzin Aliza Silberstein and her husband, Rabbi Yisroel Silberstein, are the Chabad shluchim (emissaries) of Chernigov, Ukraine. Recently, they found refuge with their children in the United States following the outbreak of war.