You’ve been saying it for years.
Give it meaning for years to come.
15,000 women in the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program will be starting Tehillim on February 15th. You, too, can join them and transform your Tehillim
– adding meaning, understanding, and joy.
Tehillim is an opportunity to connect with Hashem – whatever it is you’re going through.
Everything happening in your life – the major and the mundane – happened to David HaMelech. There’s a prayer for every situation, and song for every salvation.
Explore Tehillim. Tap into the meaning. Live each chapter.

Celebrate the siyum on Sifrei Nevi'im
What is the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program?
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi is a popular women’s learning program that completes Nevi’im and Ketuvim every 2 years by learning 1 perek a day with a 10-15 minute audio shiur. Each sefer is taught by a talented woman educator.
There are currently 15,000 women from across the world taking part in the program!
Hear from our Participants
Tehillim Educators
Teacher, AuthorTehillim Sefer 1More about this educatorx Mrs. Rivka Segal
Mrs. Rivka Segal is a leader in adult Jewish education who has taught Torah to women and girls of all ages for more than thirty years. Before making aliyah from Baltimore, MD, taught in Bais Yaakov High School and Maalot Baltimore and was the director of the Rebbitzen Frieda K. Hirmes Women’s Institute of Torah. After moving to Israel in 2005, she founded the L’Ayla Women’s Initiative in Jerusalem. She is a sought-after speaker, known for her creativity and ability to excite and engage audiences of all ages. For the past fifteen years, she has made Tehillim come alive for thousands of people. She is currently in the process of completing a five-volume series entitled Living Tehillim. To date, three volumes have been published. To find out more about the “Living Tehillim” initiative or to contact Mrs. Segal, visit her website at
Tehillim Sefer 2More about this educatorx Mrs. Aviva OrlianMrs. Aviva Orlian grew up in Baltimore, MD and currently lives in Monsey, NY. She has been lecturing, giving shiurim and has been a featured speaker for various community-wide women’s programming for the past 25 years, including the OU Women’s Initiative. Aside from her passion for teaching Torah, Mrs. Orlian is a full-time practicing speech-language pathologist.
Tehillim Sefer 3More about this educatorx Mrs. Zemira OzarowskiMrs. Zemira Ozarowski has been in the field of Jewish education for almost two decades. She currently serves as Director of Community Programming at the OU Israel Center where she runs the L’Ayla Women’s Learning Initiative. In that capacity, in addition to teaching, she runs many women’s learning programs including the monthly Rosh Chodesh seminar, mother-daughter programs, mini-midrasha programs, and more. Zemira has partnered with the OU Women’s Initiative Israel programs, helping coordinate the ALIT Summer Learning program in Israel (summer 2019) and the Pesach Ideas and Inspiration program. Additionally, she presented a recording on tefillah as part of the Counting Toward Sinai Tefillah Series. Zemira holds a master’s degree from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She is also a certified Yoetzet Halacha and the author of the Torat Imecha Parsha Series books for children. Zemira lives with her husband and children in Mitzpe Yericho.
Tehillim Sefer 4More about this educatorx Mrs. Chana Meira KatzWith over 20 years of teaching and four years of administrative experience, Mrs. Chana Meira Katz has dedicated her career to educating women in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Los Angeles, California. Her multifaceted approach to Torah learning integrates her Hadar Bais Yaakov education, Ohr Lagolah Kiruv training, as well as a Master of Science in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School of Education and Administration and a Master of Education in Teacher Leadership from Brandeis University. She currently teaches at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy in Los Angeles and extends her impact by hosting weekly shiurim for women in the local community. Passionate about empowering women through Torah study, Chana Meira is dedicated to making Torah learning not only accessible but also profoundly relevant to women’s lives.
Tehillim Sefer 5More about this educatorx Hyndi MendelowitzHyndi Mendelowitz moved from NY to Yerushalaim in 2000. She lectures on Tanach and Jewish studies in numerous seminaries and women’s learning forums. For the past twelve years, her exploration of Nach inspires hundreds of women weekly at the Chochmat Nashim lecture series in Beit Knesset Yeshurun.
Join today to start Tehillim on February 15th
Mazel tov on this remarkable accomplishment!
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Rachel Miller Merion Station, PennsylvaniaClick here to add your name to the Siyum Scroll.