A Panel Discussion Rebbetzin Yael Marcus and Miss Pamela Rivka Simonsson


Rebbetzin Yael Marcus is the Rebbetzin of Young Israel of Queens Valley in Kew Gardens Hills, NY and has been a Rebbetzin for over 2 decades. She is a Kallah teacher and community lecturer, whose shiurim draw hundreds of women. Rebbetzin Marcus has been working in finance, in the healthcare industry, for close to 25 years. She spent a year in Bnos Chava Seminary in Yerushalayim and holds a BA in Accounting from Queens College.  Rebbetzin Marcus and her husband, Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, live in Kew Gardens Hills. They have 6 children and one grandchild.  

Pamela Rivka Simonsson has recently moved to New York from London, England. In the UK, she held the position of Director of Learning for Limmudei Kodesh at Hasmonean High School for Girls and she ran Midreshet Chaya, a pre- and post-seminary learning programme in her home. Both at Midreshet Chaya and in the wider London kehilla, Pamela Rivka has taught chaburos and delivered shiurim in Tanach, Hashkafa, Mussar and Machshava. She mentors young adults in spiritual development. Pamela Rivka has recently joined the OU Women’s Initiative team and will continue working in chinuch and programming for women and girls in the US. She taught Sefer Yehoshua for Torat Imecha Nach Yomi.