Mrs. Rivka Segal is a leader in adult Jewish education who has taught Torah to women and girls of all ages for more than thirty years. Before making aliyah from Baltimore, MD, taught in Bais Yaakov High School and Maalot Baltimore and was the director of the Rebbitzen Frieda K. Hirmes Women’s Institute of Torah. After moving to Israel in 2005, she founded the L’Ayla Women’s Initiative in Jerusalem. She is a sought-after speaker, known for her creativity and ability to excite and engage audiences of all ages. For the past fifteen years, she has made Tehillim come alive for thousands of people. She is currently in the process of completing a five-volume series entitled Living Tehillim. To date, three volumes have been published. To find out more about the “Living Tehillim” initiative or to contact Mrs. Segal, visit her website at