Dr. Rona Novick


Rona Novick, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist, is the Dean of the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration of Yeshiva University, holds the Raine and Stanley Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values and serves as the Co-Educational Director of the Hidden Sparks program which provides professional development to day schools and Yeshivas. 

Along with scholarly publications on, bullying and trauma, special education, Jewish education, parenting, positive psychology and social emotional learning, she is the author of Helping Your Child Make Friends, and editor of the series Kids Don’t Come With Instruction Manuals.  Her children’s book Mommy, Can You Stop the Rain was published by Apples and Honey Press in 2020 and is available on Amazon.com.  Her second children’s book will be published in 2022. 

Dr. Novick, a frequent presenter to professionals and families, is internationally recognized for her expertise in human growth and development, social-emotional learning, bully prevention, spirituality, positive psychology, trauma, cognitive behavioral interventions, diverse learners, and family dynamics.   

Dr. Novick greatly enjoys supporting educators, families, and all who help children grow into strong, capable, caring individuals.  Her blog: Life’s Tool Box can be found at www.lifestoolbox.wordpress.com