Purim articles
An Important Legacy by Jodi Fried
The Road to Redemption by Mrs. Aviva Orlian, Mishpacha Magazine, March 2024
Adar and Purim resources from our library
Rosh Chodesh Adar: Mrs. Esti Hamilton (5784)
Siyum Megillat Esther: Mrs. Esther Wein (5783)
Purim: Mrs. Lisa Wachs (5783)
Purim: Mrs. Aliza Silberstein (5782)
Purim: Dr. Vera Basch Moreen (5782)
Rosh Chodesh Adar: Mrs. Jaclyn Sova (5782)
Learn Megillat Esther with Torat Imcha Nach Yomi
x Mrs. Leah Feinberg
Mrs. Leah Feinberg is a master educator, who taught at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls in Hewlett for 21 years, also serving as Tanach Department Chairperson and New Teacher Mentor. She was a popular maggedet shiur in the Woodmere community, where she taught a weekly Navi shiur for women. Since making aliyah in 2017, Leah has taught at Michlalah and the Emek Learning Center, and is a frequent lecturer at Kehillat HaElah in Ramat Beit Shemesh and at the OU Israel Center, where she has lectured at yemei iyun, the ALIT Summer Learning Program both in person and on Zoom, and at a Beit Midrash series of classes. Leah taught Megillat Esther in the first cycle of Torat Imecha Nach Yomi and Sefer Shmuel Bet in the second cycle.
x Mrs. Esther Wein
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