fellowship seminar 23 national organization directory form



Over the year, the OU Women's Initiative has educated over 60 Rebbetzins, Kallah Teachers, Kiruv and Chinuch Professionals from across the country in communal mental health support. The Fellowship, an 8-week course followed by an in-person seminar, provides an overview of mental health challenges facing our communities today, guides the women to know when and how to refer and how to provide appropriate support. At our upcoming fellowship seminar in July, we would like to supply our fellows with a directory of national organizations that help the Jewish community in various areas of mental health. We would like to include your organization as a resource for them to reach out and to refer their constituents to when needed. Please complete this form by Friday morning, June 30, so that we can include your organization in this directory.
Name of person completing this form(Required)

Organization Information

2. Please select the category in which you would like your organization entry to be included in our directory:(Required)

3. If applicable, please choose additional categories under which you would like the name of your organization listed:
This description will be included with your organization's entry in our directory.
Please describe how our Fellowship Rebbetzins, Kallah Teachers, Kiruv and Chinuch Professionals can best help their constituents access your services.
Please include a link to your organization's website.