Counting Toward Sinai 2022
Join us for this incredible journey of growth as we travel from Pesach to Shavuot
April 18 – June 3
Learn together with women worldwide about Shabbat Tefillot and Zemirot
in our Counting Toward Sinai Video Series
featuring a daily short inspirational thought from 40 female voices
Shabbat and Yom Tov days are excluded
You can also visit this web page to access the daily videos
Dedicated in loving memory of Charne Liba bas R’ Yitzchok Yehudah, by her children
Ella Shapiro, Harry Klaristenfeld, Nancy Wilamowsky
Watch Now! Day 1 - Welcoming Shabbat More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman is the founding director of the OU Women’s Initiative. She is a community leader with over three decades of teaching experience in New York, Alabama and Pennsylvania. She received a PhD in Educational Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, MS in School Psychology from Queens College and MA in Jewish Education and a Certificate in Educational Technology from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, Yeshiva University. She received a Teacher’s Certificate from Beth Jacob Seminary (BJJ). She is the rebbetzin of the Lower Merion Synagogue as well as the co-chair of the Lower Merion Community Mikvah in Bala Cynwyd, PA. She is a kallah teacher and mikvah attendant. She and her husband, Rabbi Avraham Shmidman, live in Bala Cynwyd, PA and are the parents of four sons.
Watch Now! Day 2 - Yedid Nefesh - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Rifki FreundlichRifki Freundlich is the Rebbetzin at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence where she lives with her husband, Rabbi Yechezkel, and their children. After teaching Tanach to high school girls in Atlanta and Montreal, Rifki currently teaches Women and Halacha and Navi at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls. In addition to being a kallah teacher and Yoetzet Halacha, Rifki enjoys giving adult education classes on an array of Jewish topics.
Watch Now! Day 3 - Tehillim 96 - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Mrs. Rivka AlterRivka Alter presently serves as a yoetzet halacha in Riverdale, New York and Teaneck, New Jersey. She is also a member of the Judaic studies faculty at Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls. Rivka is an experienced kallah teacher and serves as a mentor for Nishmat’s kallah teacher training program. She frequently teaches adults and teens locally, on Zoom, and for the OU Women’s Initiative. Rivka and her husband Daniel served as Rav and Rebbetzin in Denver, Colorado for fifteen years and currently reside in Bergenfield, New Jersey.
Watch Now! Day 4 - Tehillim 29 - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Ms. Tzophia StepanskyTzophia Stepansky attended MMY and Migdal Oz before studying at Stern College for Women and is currently in her second year of Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Study and Revel. She serves as the Director of Drisha’s Summer Learning Program for Middle School Girls and works at Project Makom. She loves learning, teaching Torah to all, and being in nature.
Watch Now! Day 5 - Ana BChoach - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Mrs. Shoshana PolakoffShoshana Polakoff currently serves as the Director of Facilities Management and Logistics for the Orthodox Union where she has the opportunity to fuse her love of klal work with solving puzzles. She has earned a B.A. in Judaic Studies from Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women and a Master’s degree in Public Administration with a focus in Non-Profit Management from New York University. Shoshana is a breast cancer thriver and ambassador for Sharsheret, a national organization, improving the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer.
Watch Now! Day 6 - Lecha Dodi - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Aimee Baron, MDAimee Baron MD, FAAP, is the founder and executive director of I Was Supposed to Have a Baby, a nonprofit organization that utilizes social media to support Jewish individuals and families as they are struggling to have a child. It provides a warm and nurturing space for those going through infertility, pregnancy loss, infant loss, surrogacy or adoption, in addition to connecting those families to resources in the Jewish community at large.
Dr. Baron was formerly the Director of Innovation and Growth at NechamaComfort, and has also worked as an Attending Pediatrician in the Newborn Nursery and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital before taking a leave of absence after her third miscarriage. She lives in New York with her husband and five children.
Watch Now! Day 7 - Mizmor Shir Leyom Hashabbat - Tehillim 92 More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Nava OrlianNava Orlian is the Rebbetzin of Congregation Shaaray Tefila, a century-old shul in Lawrence, New York. Born and bred in Toronto, Nava attended Michlalah College, where she earned her B.Ed. in Judaic Studies and Special Education. She subsequently earned an M.A. in Education of the Blind from Hunter College, aside from her graduate studies in Jewish History from Touro University. Nava taught Jewish Philosophy at Ma’ayanot High School for Girls, in Teaneck, New Jersey. Prior to moving to Lawrence, Nava served as Rebbetzin of Yeshiva University’s Shenk Shul, where she counseled countless women in their relationships and decision-making processes. Since moving to Long Island in 2015, she has played an active role as Rebbetzin of Shaaray Tefila and as a teacher of the Blind & Visually Impaired.
Watch Now! Day 8 - Bameh Madlikin - Kabbalat Shabbat More about this speakerx Ms. Leora MoskowitzLeora Moskowitz is originally from Teaneck, NJ. After graduating from The Frisch School she learned in Midreshet Torah v’Avodah (MTVA) in Israel. She received her undergraduate degree in Judaic Studies at Stern College for Women, and she is currently a student in the GPATS program, working towards a Masters in Biblical and Talmudic Interpretation focusing on Gemara and Halacha. Last year Leora returned to MTVA where she served as shiur assistant for Shani Taragin’s Gemara shiur. This summer she will be the director of Chinuch at Moshava Ba’ir in New Jersey. Leora is passionate about Torah and hopes to pursue a career in education, both in the classroom and the community at large.
Watch Now! Day 9 - Kedushat Hayom - Maariv LeShabbat More about this speakerx Dr. Deena RabinovichDeena Rabinovich chairs the Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies and the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Project at Stern College for Women. She directs the PEP Program at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She received her bachelors from Stern College for Women, her Masters from New York University, and her doctorate from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education. Prior to teaching at Stern College for Women, Deena taught at Central-Yeshiva University High School for Girls and at the North Shore Hebrew Academy.
Watch Now! Day 10 - Veyanuchu - Vah Vo Vam More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Sima BeckerRebbetzin Sima Becker earned a Teacher’s Certificate from Beth Jacob Seminary (BJJ) in Jerusalem and worked as a computer programmer on Wall Street before moving to Miami 35 years ago. She and her husband, Rabbi Hershel Becker are Rabbi and Rebbetzin at Young Israel of Kendall in Pinecrest, Florida. She is a founding director of Jewish Blueprints, an outreach organization that coordinates programming and publishes educational material. Rebbetzin Sima combines her tech background and love of Torah to bring a refreshing and contemporary approach to Torah classes with a focus on practical application and personal growth.
Watch Now! Day 11 - Themes of Shabbat Through Magen Avot More about this speakerx Mrs. Liat MayerfeldLiat Mayerfeld is an international speaker. She has been brought to speak in seminars in Spain, Poland, Israel, Denmark and Australia. Liat is the co-director of Kii, an outreach organization engaging unaffiliated young professionals in NYC. Born in New York and raised in Israel, Liat spent over 2 years working for Israeli military intelligence. She holds a teaching qualification & degrees in Jewish studies and Special Needs Education from Michlala College, Jerusalem. Liat has worked and taught for Aish in England and New York City. While teaching and educating, she is completing her MA in Jewish education. Liat has an open-door policy, and together with her husband and their 8 children they have welcomed thousands to their Shabbat, festival and random weekday dinners!
Watch Now! Day 12 - Shalom Aleichem More about this speakerx Mrs. Aviva PolterAviva earned a Teacher’s Certificate from Beth Jacob Seminary (BJJ) – and worked in Technology for 30+ years. She and her husband recently moved to Lakewood from Denver, Colorado, where she has had the opportunity to pursue some of her passions – which include developing “The Torah Path to True Marital Bliss” – a Shalom Bayis program focused on establishing and maintaining a healthy and vibrant marriage through a Torah framework. She serves as a Marriage Mentor to share these Torah ideals with women of all ages and stages – she believes that the Torah has the answers to achieve a life of optimal emotional well-being. Aviva also believes that feeling great in a physical way enhances emotional well-being. She is a Certified Barre Instructor and has worked with women of all ages. She nurtures and guides her clients, not just physically but also spiritually as she brings Torah reflections and attitudes into her work.
Watch Now! Day 13 - Eishet Chayil More about this speakerx Mrs. Shira SchiowitzShira Schiowitz is a Tanach teacher at SAR High School where she also serves as Co-director of Professional Development. She previously taught Tanach and chaired the Tanach Department at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School in Teaneck, NJ. Shira served as Assistant Dean at Lamdeinu of Teaneck during its first year, planning and implementing the opening of Lamdeinu, a full-time learning program initiative in Teaneck. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Shira taught the first part of Yeshayahu to over 5,000 women worldwide as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Program and an interactive in-depth course examining the relationships between the melachim and Nevi’im in Tanach at the ALIT Summer Learning Program. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Shira taught the first part of Sefer Yeshayahu to over 5000 women worldwide as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Program and taught an in-depth course as part of the ALIT Summer Learning Program. Shira is the rebbetzin of the Shaare Tefillah community in Teaneck, NJ where she and her husband have served for the past 16 years. She received her master’s degree in Bible from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University.
Watch Now! Day 14 - Birkat Habanim More about this speakerx Mrs. Netanya SilverNetanya Silver grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland and learned to fine-tune her speaking skills by trying to get a word in edgewise in a family of nine. Netanya studied for two years in Neve Yerushalayim seminary and then attended Yeshiva University until she left to get married and start a family. Later, Netanya went back to continue her education and earned a degree in Judaic Studies from Naaleh College. Netanya and her husband live with their six children in Philadelphia, where they both teach Judaic Studies at Caskey Torah Academy. Netanya loves teaching Torah and has a special passion for teaching tefilah.
Watch Now! Day 15 - Friday Night Kiddush More about this speakerx Mrs. Chaya ParkoffChaya Parkoff is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice and a Senior Educator for The Jewish Experience in Denver, CO. Chaya has a passion for sharing how the wisdom of Torah can positively influence emotional wellbeing and works to inspire women to be their best self. Chaya and her husband are the grateful parents of five children.
Watch Now! Day 16 - Retzei Birkat Hamazon More about this speakerx Mrs. Stacey Nechama GoldmanMrs. Stacey Nechama Goldman teaches Tanach at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia. She also teaches adult education classes throughout the greater Philadelphia area including Aish Chaim, Lower Merion Synagogue, and Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Barnard College and the U.S. Yoetzet Halacha Program of Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center and currently serves as Yoetzet Halacha for the Philadelphia community and for Young Israel/Aish in Las Vegas. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Stacey Nechama has presented shiurim as part of the Rosh Chodesh, Simchat Torah, Nach Shabbat, and Counting Toward Sinai programs. She taught Sefer Divrei HaYamim I to over 5,000 women worldwide as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program. Stacey Nechama has published reflective essays and articles on, audio classes on She also posts original Torah content on Instagram @staceyfruengoldman.
Watch Now! Day 17 - Shabbat Mizmorim More about this speakerx Dr. Ariella AgatsteinDr. Ariella Agatstein has been involved in Jewish educational leadership for over 15 years. She received her Doctorate in Jewish Educational Leadership from Azrieli Graduate School, focusing her thesis on the religious development of Modern Orthodox high school students. Dr. Agatstein was the Assistant Principal of Girls Judaic Studies in Yeshivat Yavneh of Los Angeles and subsequently moved with her family and children to Jerusalem where she became an Eshkolot Fellow at the Matan-Sadie Rennert Women’s Institute for Torah Studies. Dr. Agatstein continues to lecture all over Israel on topics related to Torah and pedagogy and she remains very passionate about bringing her knowledge and experience to the field of Jewish education in Israel.
Watch Now! Day 18 - Tehillim 136 - Shacharit More about this speakerx Dr. Zoë LangZoë Lang is an educator who brings her enthusiasm for Jewish text to students of all ages. She is on the faculty of Maimonides School in Brookline, MA, where she teaches Jewish and Israeli history. Zoë also teaches a weekly parshah shiur and has contributed articles to the Times of Israel. In 2021, she was honored as one of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance’s Ushpizot for her work to safely welcome women back to shul despite the challenges of the pandemic.
Watch Now! Day 19 - Nishmat - Shacharit More about this speakerx Mrs. Jordana (Baruchov) GreenfieldJordana (Baruchov) Greenfield or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is the Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by day, Torah Influencer, and host of Drink it in the podcast at night. Not only does Jordana inspire and motivate her 6 children and grandchildren, she also inspires thousands through her social media (@Drinkitin_jordana) and speaking engagements.
Watch Now! Day 20 - Keil Adon - Shacharit More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Miriam EngelRebbetzin Miriam Engel is the Rebbetzin at Anshei Emunah Congregation in Delray Beach, Florida and Director of Friends of the IDF, South Palm Beach and Broward. She enjoys spending time with her six grandchildren from New York and Israel. In her spare time, Miriam enjoys working out at the gym, biking, swimming, reading, making jewelry and painting.
Watch Now! Day 21 - LaKeil Asher Shavat More about this speakerx Mrs. Shira HochheimerMrs. Shira Hochheimer is an educator and lecturer for women and girls in Baltimore Maryland. She is passionate about empowering women to find more fulfillment in their lives by learning Torah. She is the Director of Data & Technology and the General Studies Department Chair in WITS – a seminary and college for Orthodox Jewish women. Shira is also the author of the book Eishes Chayil: Ancient Wisdom for Women of Today, now published in both English & French and writes a regular column about Eishes Chayil in the Mishpacha Magazine. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Shira taught Sifrei Yechezkel and Yirmiyahu and sefer Vayikra as part of the Torat Imecha program. She also taught a series, Tefillah Challenges: Focus on Ashrei, for its Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration program.
Watch Now! Day 22 - Yismach Moshe - Shacharit Amidah More about this speakerx Dr. Yael MuskatDr. Yael Muskat, Psy.D., is the Director of the Counseling Center at Yeshiva University and has over 20 years of clinical experience. After graduating from Yeshiva University, Stern College for Women, she received a Master’s degree in Special Education from Columbia University and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University, C.W. Post. Dr. Muskat continued her clinical training by completing a Post Doctorate Leadership Fellowship at Westchester Institute for Human Development. She has worked as a therapist and consultant in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals and community mental health centers as well as Family Court. Dr Muskat has received advanced training in Dialectic Behavior Therapy, Somatic Intervention Trauma Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples. Dr. Muskat is committed to the destigmatization of mental health issues and to providing proactive services to promote wellness and emotional health. Yael is Rebbetzin of the Young Israel of Oceanside, where she has been privileged to raise her family and to be part of a warm and vibrant community.
Watch Now! Day 23 - Veshamru - Shacharit Amidah More about this speakerx Dr. Miriam Leah GamlielMiriam Leah Gamliel is an arts administrator, performing artist and scholar. She is the director of ATARA: The Arts & Torah Association, supporting arts expression in Orthodoxy with a focus on women’s needs. She holds a doctorate in school administration from YU’s Azrieli Graduate School with a dissertation on the overlap between spirituality and creativity, an MLIS in Library Science and an MA in Jewish Studies. She lives in Montreal and is currently producing a new musical for women!
Watch Now! Day 24 - Velo Netato - Shacharit Amidah More about this speakerx Mrs. Hennie BlackHennie Black, together with her husband, has been involved with Jewish outreach for almost 30 years. She began her career as a CPA, working her way up to manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. She then made a decision to dedicate herself fully to NCSY. She currently works as the Director of the NCSY Jewish Family Experience in Canada, providing social and educational programming for NCSY parents and families, including hosting many guests for Shabbos and Yom Tov, teaching weekly Torah classes, mentoring/guiding families looking to increase their Jewish observance, and leading women on Momentum trips to Israel.
Watch Now! Day 25 - Elokeinu - Shacharit Amidah More about this speakerx Ms. Ilana BaumanIlana Bauman is a passionate educator and community builder who teaches high school Sciences and Judaics, runs the Israel gap-year guidance program, and is the Student Activities Coordinator at Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy of Connecticut Upper School. She spent many years working for NCSY and has led numerous trips to Israel for diverse groups through Birthright, NCSY, and OU-JLIC. She has participated in various Torah and Jewish education fellowships, including the Prizmah Rising Orthodox Female Educational Leaders Fellowship. Ilana earned a B.S. in Biology and NEJS (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) from Brandeis University, where she served in multiple leadership roles within the campus Jewish community, including Hillel President. She also spent two months studying healthcare in Madagascar. Prior to attending university, Ilana studied at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) in Jerusalem. She has always been an active member of her Jewish community, both in her hometown of Silver Spring, MD and now in the Upper West Side in NYC, and is frequently invited to give shiurim and divrei Torah in her community. Ilana was part of the inaugural OU Women’s Initiative Lay Leadership Summit as well as the Art of Speaking Fellowship and is excited to learn and share Torah through the Counting Toward Sinai initiative again this year.
Watch Now! Day 26 - Kedusha - Shacharit Amidah More about this speakerx Mrs. Tzivi ZuckermanTzivi Zuckerman holds a BA in History and an MA in Jewish History, and taught World History, Jewish History and Tanach for over 15 years at a variety of schools, including Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, Michlalah Jerusalem College, Bais Yaakov of Baltimore and Columbus Torah Academy. Since moving to Columbus, Ohio, Tzivi has taught a range of community classes on Taharas HaMishpacha, relationships, Jewish history and Jewish thought. In addition to teaching women in the community, Tzivi teaches High School Navi at CTA’s GHSP division. Tzivi has taught in a variety of forums for the OU Women’s Initiative, including Haggadah Ideas and Inspiration and Rosh Chodesh Lunch N Learn, as a scholar in residence for Nach Yomi Nach Shabbat, and Sefer Melachim II for the previous cycle of Nach Yomi Torat Imecha.Watch Now! Day 27 - Ein Kamocha - Shacharit More about this speakerx Mrs. Tema TaxerTema Taxer attended Michlala, earned a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Stern College for Women and is a CPA. She has been working in both public and private accounting. In addition, she teaches Taharas HaMishpacha through Daughters of Israel and gives shiurim to women on a variety of topics. Tema lives in Chicago with her husband and children.
Watch Now! Day 28 - Birkat Hachodesh - Shacharit More about this speakerx Mrs. Devora SimonDevora Simon is the National Director of JSU where she drives organization wide strategy for the Jewish Student Union, a program of NCSY servicing Jewish teens in public schools. A native of Montreal, Devora currently lives in Baltimore with her husband and two children.
Watch Now! Day 29 - Av Harachamim - Shacharit More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Faigie HorowitzFaigie Horowitz, MS is a writer, political advocate, and nonprofit veteran who serves as the Rebbetzin of Agudas Achim of Lawrence. She is a co-founder of JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community of Orthodox midlife women.
Watch Now! Day 30 - Eitz Chaim - Shacharit More about this speakerx Dr. Chana RingelDr. Chana Ringel is a practicing physician in New York. She has served on the faculty of The Frisch School, HAFTR High School and served as a group leader for JINSPIRE and Momentum. Chana has lectured extensively to both high school students and adults and brings a broad base of knowledge and a compelling, engaging enthusiasm to her talks.
Watch Now! Day 31 - Tikanta Shabbat - Mussaf Amidah More about this speakerx Rubissa Sharona HassanRubissa Sharona Hassan serves in many roles as an educator and community builder. She and her husband, Rabbi Benjamin Hassan are Rabbi and Rubissa at Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation in Seattle, Washington, where she also serves as youth director. Rubissa Sharona has been an educator for 20 years, fine-tuning her trade across three continents. She teaches a variety of groups from adults to preschool. Currently she oversees Judaics in Early Childhood at the Seattle Hebrew Academy. PJ Library now offers the Sense-ational Judaism curriculum, which the Rubissa created. She shares her lessons, videos, and projects on and In adult education, Rubissa Sharona is the city leader for Momentum, moderates book clubs, teaches classes, writes articles and speaks on a variety of topics.
Rubissa Sharona enjoys writing, crafts, and storytelling, which she often weaves into her teaching. She and her husband are the proud parents of four daughters.
Watch Now! Day 32 - Yismechu - Mussaf Amidah More about this speakerx Mrs. Carly ChodoshCarly Chodosh, MSS, LSW is a licensed social worker and therapist who lives in the Lower Merion suburb of Philadelphia, where she also serves as the Director of the Lower Merion Community Mikvah. Carly has advanced training in sexual dysfunction as well as perinatal mental health, and works to provide holistic support to the individuals and couples she treats.
Watch Now! Day 33 - Mimkomo - Mussaf Amidah More about this speakerx Mrs. Daniela Weiss-BronsteinDaniela is the Rebbetzin of The Hampton Synagogue and an LMSW working in private practice in New York City. She is a doctoral student at Wurzweiler School of Social Work and a Certified Sexologist with a particular interest in the subject of the intersection of sexuality and Judaism. Daniela is also completing her second year as a UJA Dresser Graduate Fellow. She and her husband live in Long Island with their four children.
Watch Now! Day 34 - Imagination in Tefillah: Song of the Leviim - Mussaf More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Aviel BrodkinAviel Brodkin is a passionate teacher of Torah, synthesizing Jewish wisdom with personal meaning for navigating life. She is known for her empowering self-development workshops and parent coaching as the Rebbetzin of Congregation Kesser Israel in Portland, Oregon. Most recently she served as Principal of Maayan Torah day school for ten years which she and community members started in 2011. Aviel’s educational background is in Speech & Language Development, educational leadership, and she is a Nurtured Heart Approach trainer. She has taught Judaic Studies in post-high school seminaries in Jerusalem, opened a kosher food pantry, and is an educational mentor for numerous teachers.
Watch Now! Day 35 - Shir Hakavod - Mussaf More about this speakerx Mrs. Miriam SchwartzMiriam Schwartz is a second year student at Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program for Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS), where she is a candidate for an MA in Biblical and Talmudic Interpretation. She currently lives in Bergenfield, NJ, with her husband and their son. Miriam grew up in Great Neck, New York. After completing Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Central), she spent a year studying at Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion before attending Stern College for Women, where she was a fellow of the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Project and earned her BA In Jewish Education with concentrations in Bible and Jewish Philosophy. She holds an MA in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University’s Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration and is certified as a kallah teacher by Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Kallah Teacher Training Program. Miriam has taught Judaic Studies at the Yeshivah of Flatbush High School, and at the Ida Crown Jewish Academy in Chicago, where she was also the co-Director of Student Activities. She then served as co-Director of the OU-JLIC (Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus) at the University of Maryland and then at the University of Pennsylvania along with her husband, where they worked together to create a vibrant community of Torah learning and a home away from home for their students. In addition to studying at GPATS, Miriam teaches kallahs who are in the process of preparing for their weddings and gives a weekly virtual Gemara shiur through the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago. She looks forward to continuing to learn high level Torah and build an inspired community with learners of all ages!
Watch Now! Day 36 - Shabbat Day Kiddush More about this speakerx Ms. Shoshana SturmShoshana Sturm is an assistant director at SINAI Schools at JKHA in Livingston, NJ. She has spearheaded the Young Israel of Staten Island’s shidduch networking events and shabbatons. Previously, she headed the Washington Heights chapter of SUN (Singles Uniting Network). Shoshana holds a Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and an advanced certificate in pediatric feeding disorders.
Watch Now! Day 37 - Zemer Yom Shabbaton More about this speakerx Mrs. Jodi FriedJodi is a mom of four and is an empowerment coach for women, podcaster, and Jewish community professional through and through who is committed to helping moms live to the fullest while managing the challenging, wonderful, and messy journey of motherhood. Many people remark that Jodi’s superpower is connection – her intent connection with clients and friends, as well as her ability to help women connect deeply to themselves. Born in South Africa and having moved to the States as a child, Jodi has a unique perspective on Jewish life and community which influences her work today. Hobbies include skiing, hiking, baking, making jewelry, and snuggling with the kids under a thick, soft, blanket to read on the couch! Tune in to the To (Mom) Life Podcast for chizuk, insights, and tools for motherhood.Watch Now! Day 38 - Ata Echad - Mincha Amidah More about this speakerx Rebbetzin Miriam GefenRebbetzin Miriam Gefen is a senior educator for Aish UK. Miriam grew up in London. After studying and living in Israel, Miriam moved to Manchester with her family to join the Aish Manchester team. Miriam is passionate about Jewish education and outreach and displays a proven ability to reach and teach adolescents and adults from across the board. She is an inspirational speaker and has a deep commitment to spreading Torah values and sharing the beauty of Judaism. She is also a highly experienced Kallah Teacher and guides many women in their marriages. She teaches a range of subjects and helps others apply the ancient wisdom of the Torah to their modern lives. She enjoys connecting with and advising students, young adults and married women.
Watch Now! Day 39 - Tehillim 23 - Seuda Shlishit More about this speakerx Rachel Sims, Esq.Rachel Sims, Esq., is the General Counsel of the OU where she manages the OU’s legal and compliance work and provides guidance to all departments within the organization. Rachel joined the OU after spending five years as a senior litigator at Blank Rome LLP. She has nearly two decades of legal experience, at some of the top law firms in New York. Rachel incorporates her legal skills, knowledge and experience to help the OU continue to grow and to inspire the greater Jewish community. Rachel graduated from Brooklyn Law School magna cum laude, where she was a member of the Brooklyn Law Review.
Watch Now! Day 40 - Havdala More about this speakerx Mrs. Rachel BesserRachel Besser is the Nach Department Chair at the Frisch School in Paramus, NJ, where she also teaches Tanach and Jewish philosophy and is a member of the Israel Guidance Department. A graduate of Stern College for Women, Rachel received her master’s degree in English literature from Hunter College in New York City. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Rachel taught Sefer Yirmiyahu and Sefer Ezra as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program. She presented a Nach Yomi Siyum shiur, Rosh Chodesh shiur and served as a Counting Toward Sinai Scholar-in-Residence. Rachel lives in Clifton, NJ with her husband Donny and six children.