וְהַתּוֹרָה נִקְנֵית בְּאַרְבָּעִים וּשְׁמֹנָה דְבָרִים
There are 48 unique pathways to acquire the Torah. Join us throughout Sefirat HaOmer as we learn and prepare to receive the ultimate gift on Shavuot.
Join women worldwide in our Counting Towards Sinai audio series
featuring daily short, inspirational thoughts from May 1st to June 10th.
Dedicated in loving memory of Charne Liba bas R’ Yitzchok Yehudah,
by her children Ella Shapiro, Harry Klaristenfeld, and Nancy Wilamowsky.
x Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman is the founding director of the OU Women’s Initiative. She is a community leader with over three decades of teaching experience in New York, Alabama and Pennsylvania. She received a PhD in Educational Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, MS in School Psychology from Queens College and MA in Jewish Education and a Certificate in Educational Technology from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, Yeshiva University. She received a Teacher’s Certificate from Beth Jacob Seminary (BJJ). She is the rebbetzin of the Lower Merion Synagogue as well as the co-chair of the Lower Merion Community Mikvah in Bala Cynwyd, PA. She is a kallah teacher and mikvah attendant. She and her husband, Rabbi Avraham Shmidman, live in Bala Cynwyd, PA and are the parents of four sons.
x Mrs. Chana Meira Katz
With over 20 years of teaching and four years of administrative experience, Mrs. Chana Meira Katz has dedicated her career to educating women in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Los Angeles, California. Her multifaceted approach to Torah learning integrates her Hadar Bais Yaakov education, Ohr Lagolah Kiruv training, as well as a Master of Science in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School of Education and Administration and a Master of Education in Teacher Leadership from Brandeis University. She currently teaches at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy in Los Angeles and extends her impact by hosting weekly shiurim for women in the local community. Passionate about empowering women through Torah study, Chana Meira is dedicated to making Torah learning not only accessible but also profoundly relevant to women’s lives.
x Mrs. Tali Ifrah
Mrs. Tali Ifrah grew up in Brooklyn, New York and went to Yeshiva of Flatbush. She then studied in MMY for two years after which she continued her intense limudei kodesh studies in Stern College. After graduating with a BA in Judaic Studies Tali pursued a Masters of Education in Azrieli Graduate School. She then made aliyah with her husband and has been teaching in seminaries in Yerushalayim ever since. Tali lives in Givat Mordechai with her husband and children. She feels blessed to be able to teach intense Chumash and various Machshava classes in Sha’alvim for Women and Michlalah.
x Dr. Ayelet Shachar
Dr. Ayelet Shachar completed her Psy.D in School and Community Psychology at Hofstra University. She received a B.A. from Queens College, after majoring in psychology and double minoring in business and Judaic studies. Passionate about teaching, she has been an adjunct professor and gives shiurim in a variety of settings. She previously served as an OU-JLIC educator and gave mussar vaadim for Asicha Seminars. She currently oversees Torah programming for the OU Women’s Initiative.
x Dr. Miri Korbman
Dr. Miri Korbman is a clinical psychologist and DBT therapist at the Center for Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy (CCDBT) in New York. She is also an adjunct professor of psychology for Sara Schenirer, and has written weekly articles on psychology and Torah for Veha’er, a womens’ learning program. Born and raised in Elizabeth, NJ, Miri currently lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
x Rebbetzin Tova Polakoff
Rebbetzin Tova Polakoff, and her husband, Ephraim, serve as the Rabbi and Rebbetzin of Congregation Bais Tefilah of Woodmere. Tova is the Dean of Students and a beloved Judaic studies teacher at Tichon Meir Moshe High School for Girls in Far Rockaway. In both of these roles Tova is able to impart the beauty of Torah, while creating meaningful relationships with her students and congregants. Tova spends her summers at Camp Kaylie, where she is the Head Counselor. She lives with her husband and children in Cedarhurst, New York.
x Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft
Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft is Associate Principal at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls. She has been teaching Tanach for over two decades. Elana holds a master’s degree from Azrieli Graduate School of Education and Administration at Yeshiva University and received the 2005 Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. She delivers shiurim and lecture series and presents at Yemei Iyun throughout the Metro New York and New Jersey area. Elana enjoys learning with people of all ages and backgrounds. At the OU Women’s Initiative, Elana has served as a Counting Toward Sinai Scholar-in-Residence and has presented shiurim as part of the Counting Toward Sinai Tefillah Series, the Rosh Chodesh Lunch ‘n Learn programs, and Torat Imecha Nach Yomi.
x Mrs. Aviva Orlian
Mrs. Aviva Orlian grew up in Baltimore, MD and currently lives in Monsey, NY. She has been lecturing, giving shiurim and has been a featured speaker for various community-wide women’s programming for the past 25 years, including the OU Women’s Initiative. Aside from her passion for teaching Torah, Mrs. Orlian is a full-time practicing speech-language pathologist.
x Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg
Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg is the Rebbetzin of the Boca Raton Synagogue, a vibrant and growing shul with over 1,000 families. She is a sought-after speaker, shadchan and kallah teacher.
x Mrs. Tehila Schneider
Mrs. Tehila Schneider lives in Teaneck, New Jersey and currently teaches at Bruriah High School. After graduating from Bruriah, Michlalah, and Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University, Tehila received her master’s degree from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She previously taught at Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey (RYNJ) and she has also participated in several fellowships to integrate successful and innovative teaching methodologies, including the MafTeach Chinuch Fellowship, Yeshiva University On the Move Fellowship, and Matan Bellows Eshkolot Professional Development Fellowship. Tehila’s passion for learning and teaching Torah as well as her dedication to her students lead to an enriching and warm classroom experience.
x Rebbetzin Rebecca Belizon
Rebbetzin Rebecca Belizon received her master’s degree in Jewish education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She has been teaching high school and post-high school women for two decades. Rebecca has taught at Ateres Bais Yaakov in Monsey, Shaalavim for Women, Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls and Nefesh Academy. She lectures to various groups of women and for several years delivered a weekly shiur in Teaneck as part of the Bais Medrash of Bergen County. During the summer Rebecca is the Mashpia for the teen program at Oorah’s girls Zone. Rebecca taught Sefer Shoftim to over 4,000 women across the globe as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program of the OU Women’s initiative. A selection of her shiurim can be found on OUTorah.org, OU.org/women/videos and yutorah.org. Rebecca and her husband Rabbi Eli Belizon, are the rabbi and rebbetzin of the Young Israel of Fair Lawn where they live with their five children.
x Dr. Bethany Strulowitz
Dr. Bethany Strulowitz is the principal of Bruriah High School and Middle School in Elizabeth, NJ. A lifelong learner, she is passionate about cultivating a warm and positive school experience that enables her students to challenge themselves academically, grow religiously, build meaningful relationships, and develop the self-confidence to achieve their dreams. She earned her doctorate in educational leadership and innovation at Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. She also holds an M.A. in Differentiated Instruction from Azrieli and a B.A. in Psychology and Judaic Studies from Stern College for women. She lives in Passaic, NJ with her family.
x Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Dr. Chana Tannenbaum lectures at Bar Ilan University, Matan, and other adult learning initiatives. She has worked as a Jewish educator, in teaching and administration, for more than 30 years. She earned her doctorate at Yeshiva University, where she was also the recipient of the Baumel award, given to the most outstanding faculty member throughout Yeshiva University. Dr. Tannenbaum made aliyah with her family in 1997, moving to Nof Ayalon.
x Mrs. Devorah Cornick
Mrs. Devorah Cornick, a passionate Torah educator, currently teaches Tanach and Halacha at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls while completing her Masters in Jewish Education from Azrieli. Additionally, she serves as the Director of Experiential Education at Camp Morasha. Devorah also leads chaburahs and shiurim for women in diverse communities. She resides in Queens, NY with her husband.
x Rebbetzin Ellie Fine
Rebbetzin Ellie Fine is currently a Campus Rebbetzin at Stern College for Women. She graduated from Stern College for Women and then studied in Matan’s Bellows Eshkolot Educators Institute for Tanach and Jewish Studies. Besides giving kallah classes, learning or meeting with students, Ellie is also studying to get her MSW in Social Work. She resides in Manhattan with her husband, Rabbi Azi Fine, and their son.
x Mrs. Elana Glatt
Mrs. Elana Glatt serves as the Director of Educational Programming at Michlalah, and works there as well as a seasoned teacher and rakezet. She is known for her engaging lectures on a wide array of Torah topics, combining deep knowledge with a palpable passion for Jewish education. Elana holds a master’s degree in Jewish education and an MBA in Non-Profit Management, and loves to teach kallot on the side too. Elana is blessed to live in Jerusalem with her husband and children.
x Mrs. Esther Grossman
Mrs. Esther Grossman, originally from Elizabeth, NJ, came to Ramat Beit Shemesh via Boca Raton, FL. Since making Aliyah she has taught in various seminaries and is excited to be the Director of Midreshet Lev, a new seminary opening for the 5785 school year in Ramat Beit Shemesh.
x Mrs. Aviva Sturm
Mrs. Aviva Sturm is from Teaneck, NJ and teaches Judaic Studies and English, as well as creates programming, for middle school girls at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey (RYNJ). She has been working for NCSY Michlelet for several summers and coaches sports at Naaleh High School during the year. Aviva received her B.A. in Judaic Studies with a concentration in Education and minor in English from Stern College for Women as part of the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators cohort, and her M.S. in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.
x Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner
A native of Riverdale, NY, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner received her Teacher’s Certification in Jewish education from Bnos Chava Seminary. She furthered her education at Queens College with a B.A. in psychology, and a master’s in special education from Johns Hopkins University. She has taught Judaic studies and inspired all ages beginning with 2nd grade in Beth Tfilloh in Baltimore, MD. She began teaching adults in various forums during her years in Baltimore, and later spearheaded the now famous and highly successful Chochmas Nashim Women’s Seminary in Jerusalem, Israel. She has consistently lectured in elementary, high school, seminary, and adult settings. She truly enjoys teaching girls and women of all ages and all backgrounds. During her years in Jerusalem, in addition to teaching in mainstream seminaries, she varied her teaching approach by giving classes at Aish HaTorah’s Introductory Jewel Program, and the (now closed) Tikva program for at-risk girls. She served as the principal/menaheles of Machon Basya Rochel Seminary in Lawrence, N.Y., for nine years. She is currently a mechanches at TAG high school and a guest lecturer at Stern College for Women . She is a regular contributor to Mishpacha Magazine’s Family First’s Family. She is also the beloved Rebbetzin of the renowned White Shul in Far Rockaway, NY, where she regularly teaches both children and adults. She is regularly invited to lecture worldwide, as well as at various conventions. Her passion and talent for teaching have been recognized by Jewish communities at large.
x Mrs. Michal Zahtz
Mrs. Michal Zahtz is a Rebbetzin at Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, in Teaneck, NJ. A physical therapist by training, she currently teaches Tanach at Yeshivat Frisch. Michal is the director of iShine Teaneck and a teacher of Taharas HaMishpacha for women in her community. She gives classes on a wide variety of Torah related topics.
x Mrs. Yael Kaisman
Mrs. Yael Kaisman is a teacher, lecturer, life coach and outreach professional. She has been teaching at various girls high schools for over 45 years and is a senior lecturer at both Sinai and Heritage Retreats. Known for her ability to explain Jewish philosophical ideas, she combines humor, warmth and wit to captivate audiences of all backgrounds and levels of Jewish knowledge and education.
x Ms. Robin Tassler
Ms. Robin Tassler is from Paramus, NJ and currently works at Naaleh High School for Girls in Fair Lawn, NJ. At Naaleh, she teaches 9th grade Navi, is an 11th grade mechanechet and is also on the Student Life Team. Robin graduated from the Macaulay Honors Program at Queens College with a major in psychology and a minor in Jewish studies. She also completed her master’s in Jewish education as a part of the PELE Cohort from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.
x Mrs. Tzivi ZuckermanTzivi Zuckerman holds a BA in History and an MA in Jewish History, and taught World History, Jewish History and Tanach for over 15 years at a variety of schools, including Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, Michlalah Jerusalem College, Bais Yaakov of Baltimore and Columbus Torah Academy. Since moving to Columbus, Ohio, Tzivi has taught a range of community classes on Taharas HaMishpacha, relationships, Jewish history and Jewish thought. In addition to teaching women in the community, Tzivi teaches High School Navi at CTA’s GHSP division. Tzivi has taught in a variety of forums for the OU Women’s Initiative, including Haggadah Ideas and Inspiration and Rosh Chodesh Lunch N Learn, as a scholar in residence for Nach Yomi Nach Shabbat, and Sefer Melachim II for the previous cycle of Nach Yomi Torat Imecha.
x Dr. Rayzel Yaish
Dr. Rayzel Yaish received her PhD in Clinical Health Psychology from Ferkauf Graduate School at Yeshiva University. Dr. Yaish is the Clinical Psychologist at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls. She has worked with teens and special health needs populations of all ages for many years as Head Counselor at both Camp HASC and Camp Simcha. Dr. Yaish consults and presents workshops and talks for local and national organizations on topics related to Torah, mental health, general health, and the specialized needs community. She also maintains a private practice servicing primarily adolescents, emerging adults and the specialized needs population.
x Mrs. Emma Katz
Mrs. Emma Katz is originally from Highland Park, NJ. Emma attended Yeshivah of Flatbush, MMY, earned her bachelor’s degree in Judaic studies and education from Stern College for Women, and her master’s degree in Jewish education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. Emma has taught in many formal and informal Jewish educational settings, including Shulamith High School for Girls, Ida Crown Jewish Academy and Bruriah High School. Emma participated in the Bellows Eshkolot Tanach Educators Program at Matan Yerushalayim, learning both Tanach content and new and innovative educational methodology from leading Jewish educators. Emma is currently the Director of NILI, the Chicago Institute of Women’s Learning (The Women’s Initiative of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago) and an adjunct professor at the Stern College for Women. Emma lives in Linden, NJ and serves as the Rebbetzin of Congregation Anshe Chesed in Linden, NJ alongside her husband, Rabbi Yossi Katz, and 3 children.
x Ms. Sydney Daitch
Sydney Daitch serves the Director of Programming at Yeshiva University High School for Girls as well as a grade dean and Judaic studies teacher. During the summer, she serves as the Programming Director at Camp Kaylie. Sydney attended Stern College for Women as part of the S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program and graduated from the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Program at Stern College. She continued on to earn her master’s degree from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.
x Mrs. Shalva Schneider
Mrs. Shalva Schneider, LCSW is the director of Jewessence, a seminary for young women who grew up in frum homes and are struggling with themselves and their connection to Judaism. She also maintains a private practice in Jerusalem. Shalva has a B.A. in psychology from Stern College for Women and a MSW from Adelphi University. As a student of Rav Noach Weinberg zt”l, she spent 2 years in a chabura learning the 48 Ways of Wisdom. Originally from New York, Shalva lives in Jerusalem with her husband and 4 children.
x Ms. Shoshana Rapps
Ms. Shoshana Rapps is from Edison, New Jersey and attended Stern College for Women, where she earned a degree in Jewish education and psychology as a Legacy Heritage Foundation Scholar. She completed a master’s in Jewish education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She is completing her degree at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Shoshana is currently teaching Judaic Studies at Manhattan Day School.
x Mrs. Tzippy Staum
Mrs. Tzippy Staum is the Educational Supervisor for Judaic Studies at SINAI Schools in River Edge, NJ. With a deep passion for education, Tzippy is dedicated to finding innovative ways to connect and inspire learners of all backgrounds and abilities. Her commitment to inclusive education extends to her involvement with children with special needs, her work with Partners in Torah, Camp Dina, and her efforts in educating women and Bat Mitzvah-aged girls in her community. Tzippy’s diverse range of experiences and her unwavering dedication allow her to reach a variety of audiences in Jewish education.
x Mrs. Yael Marcus
Mrs. Yael Marcus is the Rebbetzin at the Young Israel of Queens Valley in Kew Gardens Hills, NY. Professionally, she works as an accountant in the health care industry. She is involved in many areas of the Kew Gardens Hills community, speaks publicly and is a kallah teacher.
x Mrs. Rikki Ash
Mrs. Rikki Ash is a passionate educator and life coach based in Woodmere, NY. She teaches psychology, history, and Tanach at Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls and runs a coaching practice that empowers women to discover purpose and fulfillment in their lives. Rikki received her master’s degree in Jewish education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration and has returned to pursue her doctorate in Jewish educational leadership. Additionally, Rikki authored “Canada’s Rabbi,” a biography about her grandfather, Rabbi Reuven Bulka, sharing his remarkable life and legacy with the hopes of inspiring others.
x Mrs. Blima Maged
Mrs. Blima Maged holds a master’s in Talmud and Bible from Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies, a master’s in Jewish Education and Administration from the Azrieli Graduate Program, a master’s in Professional Jewish Leadership from Brandeis’ Hornstein Program and an MBA from Brandeis’ Heller School. She previously led a women’s Gemara shiur in Boston’s Ma’ayan program, taught Talmud and Bible at Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, and has had the pleasure of serving as a scholar-in-residence at synagogues across North America on the development of Jewish law and custom. Blima formerly worked as a real estate Sales Marketing Manager, served as the chief Toronto fundraiser for Israel Medical Centers, led trips to Israel with OU/Birthright and Aish HaTorah, worked as an education consultant for The Tikvah Fund, and volunteered in Israel’s national service program, Sherut Leumi. Blima is currently a Business Development Manager at Aptima Inc. and lives in Silver Spring, MD.
Tanach Department Chair at Naaleh High School for GirlsJune 1 - נושא בעול עם חברו Listen Now More about this speakerx Dr. Danielle Bloom
Dr. Danielle Bloom has been teaching Torah and psychology for over twenty years. She serves as the Tanach Department Chair at Naaleh High School for Girls in Fair Lawn, NJ. Her passion is applying the ancient Torah text to our lives today. A graduate of Stern College for Women, with a master’s degree from Touro College, Danielle completed her doctorate in Jewish education and administration at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University.
x Mrs. Rivka Yudin
Mrs Rivka Yudin is a Senior Advisor at Michlalah Seminary and Director of Michlelet NCSY. She is a popular inspirational speaker and also guides many women in relationships and dating.
Jewish studies teacher at Hasmonean Girls High School in the UK, a senior educator for Aish UK, Yoetzet HalachaJune 3 - מעמידו על האמת Listen Now More about this speakerx Mrs. Shalvie Friedman
Mrs. Shalvie Friedman grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and received her BSc in Mathematics from the University of South Africa. Shalvie is a Jewish studies teacher at Hasmonean Girls High School in the UK, a senior educator for Aish UK and a Yoetzet Halacha. In 2020, Shalvie set up Chelkeinu, an organization of Jewish Futures, dedicated to learning and leadership for women in the community.
x Mrs. Michal Schonbrun
Mrs. Michal Schonbrun currently serves as one of the Campus Rebbetzins of Stern College for Women, where she also teaches Judaic studies. Michal attended Stern College, earning her B.A. in sociology and Judaic studies. In addition to giving shiurim and meeting with students, Michal spends her day learning in her fourth year at YU’s GPATS. Prior to GPATS, Michal taught as a 3rd-grade Morah in Yeshivat Noam. Michal lives in Manhattan with her husband and daughter.
x Mrs. Shuli Fuchs
Mrs. Shuli Fuchs has been channeling her passion for Torah into adolescent and adult education for over 15 years. She serves as the Rebbetzin of Khal Avreichem of Pomona (NY) and a 12th grade mechaneches at Bruriah High School. Shuli is a devoted kallah teacher, dating coach and marriage counselor. She enjoys guiding women in the halachic and emotional aspects of Taharas HaMishpacha and relationships.
x Mrs. Jordana (Baruchov) Greenfield
Jordana (Baruchov) Greenfield or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is the Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by day, Torah Influencer, and host of Drink it in the podcast at night. Not only does Jordana inspire and motivate her 6 children and grandchildren, she also inspires thousands through her social media (@Drinkitin_jordana) and speaking engagements.
x Mrs. Channah Cohen
Channah Cohen is a Senior Educator for Yavneh, a division of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus. She heads their Young Professional leadership division, creating a network of early-career professionals who run meaningful Torah classes and Jewish programming in communities across the country.
Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Lawyer, Rebbetzin at Beth Jacob CongregationJune 8 - הלומד על מנת לעשות Listen Now More about this speakerx Dr. Hindi Posy
Rebbetzin Hindi Posy, MD, JD is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with a subspecialty in high-risk obstetrics. Dr. Posy is the Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where she also serves as the Associate Program Director for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program. At Harbor-UCLA, Dr. Posy chairs the Medical-legal Committee and is a member of the Medical Ethics Committee. She is also active as a medical-legal consultant and an expert witness in obstetrics.
Dr. Posy has been a Rebbetzin at Beth Jacob Congregation in Los Angeles since 2010, where her husband, Rabbi Adir Posy, is the Associate Rabbi in addition to his position as the National Director of Synagogue Initiatives at the Orthodox Union (OU). Dr. Posy is also on faculty at YULA High School Girls Division, where she teaches a variety of seminars, including Women’s Health in Tanach and Living as a Frum Woman in the Secular Professional World.
Dr. Posy grew up in Los Angeles, attending local Jewish day and high schools. She then studied at Michlalah Yerushalayim, where she completed the Certificate of Teaching program there. Dr. Posy earned her undergraduate degree from Columbia University and her M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She completed her residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Johns Hopkins University and a fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC). Dr. Posy then completed a law degree at Southwestern Law School, after which she passed the California State Bar.
Dr. Posy has won multiple teaching awards and is a sought-after lecturer and speaker both locally and nationally. In addition to the many shiurim she gives within her Los Angeles community, Dr. Posy has been an invited plenary speaker at national conferences and has run myriad workshops on Women’s Health in Tanach and Halacha and on leadership, parenting, time management and work-life balance. Dr. Posy loves being involved in the Jewish community and gives shiurim regularly and volunteers as assistant coach for her boys’ sports teams. Most of all, Dr. Posy loves being a mom to her nine sons.
x Dr. Chana Ringel
Dr. Chana Ringel is a practicing physician in New York. She has served on the faculty of The Frisch School, HAFTR High School and served as a group leader for JINSPIRE and Momentum. Chana has lectured extensively to both high school students and adults and brings a broad base of knowledge and a compelling, engaging enthusiasm to her talks.
x Mrs. Tova Orenbuch
After attending Stern College for Women and Azrieli Graduate School of Education and Administration, Tova Orenbuch made aliyah to Yerushalayim. She currently teaches at Michlalah and Aish HaTorah, where she enjoys uncovering the beauty of Tanach with her students.